The outsiders chapter 5-6 quiz

Ponyboy and johnny spend a few days hiding out in an abandoned church, until. Waking up in a church with the dull realization that johnnys killing of bob and the flight from the law really did happen, ponyboy daydreams about being with darry and soda and how wonderful life was at home. The outsiders interactive bookmarks outsiders character analysis graphic. What does pony mean when he says the socs were reeling pickled on page 54. We first meet our narrator, fourteenyearold ponyboy, as hes walking home from the moviesalone, which is something we know hes not supposed to be doing. The outsiders chapter 5 6 reading comprehension questions. Selfgrading outsiders chapter quizzes for the entire novel.

His east side neighborhood is patrolled by bullying socials, rich kids from the west side of town. Review in ponyboy curtis s and his best friend johnny cade s worlds, two groups of kids fight for dominance over tulsa. The outsiders chapters 5 6 quiz the outsiders chapters 7 8 summary the outsiders chapters 9 10 summary the outsiders summary the outsiders quotes the outsiders important characters the outsiders quiz literature literature summaries. Hintons novels related links essay questions quiz 1 quiz 2 quiz 3 quiz 4 citations. A person who is living in a solitude as a religious discipline premonition.

What is ponyboy s issue with johnnys suggestion that they disguise themselves. The outsiders chapter 5 and 6 literature quiz quizizz. I wish you the best of luck while taking this quiz. Youll be asked to answer several multiplechoice questions pertaining to the key. Hinton, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

That cherry valance is acting as a spy for the greasers shocks ponyboy and johnny, but then they learn that bob, the dead soc, had been her boyfriend. Johnny admires the southern gentlemen in the novel and says that they remind him of dally. Chapter 5 the outsiders questions flashcards quizlet. Youll be asked questions about the events in the chapter, as well as various characters. Dally tries to change johnnys mind, telling him he never wants to see johnny hardened the way prison would harden him.

The outsiderschapter 7 quiz 10 questions by aanciso last updated. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of the outsiders and what it means. What does johnny think he and ponyboy should do instead of hiding out in the church. This quiz is just questions about chapter 5 in the outsiders. Questions 1 5 are matching and questions 6 10 are multiplechoice. The outsiders is very clear that the violence is serious and real. The outsiders chapter 5 reading quiz proprofs quiz. This bundle contains 12 chapter quizzes one for each chapter for s. Dally informs them that cherry has said that she is willing to testify that the socs were drunk that night and that johnny acted only in selfdefense. The outsiders chapter 5 summary and analysis gradesaver. Describe each of the characters and their relationship with one another. Learn chapter 5 6 quiz outsiders with free interactive flashcards. A vocabulary list featuring the outsiders chapter 5.

Questions 15 are matching and questions 610 are multiplechoice. The outsiders quiz chapters 5 8 25 questions by arlenkp last updated. Outsiders chapter quizzes more resources for the outsiders. This lesson focuses on the summary of chapter 5 of the outsiders. Find the meaning for the following words and write one paragraph that uses all 6 words correctly. Do you think hiding out was the best thing for johnny and ponyboy to do. This is a 10 question reading quiz for chapter 4 of s. The outsiders chapters 5 6 quiz ponyboy and johnny spend a few days hiding out in an abandoned church, until dally arrives to see how they are doing. Chapter 6 johnny shocks dally by telling him he wants to go back home and confess to his crime. Ponyboy now understands johnnys deep admiration for dally, but still. Other activities to help include hangman, crossword, word scramble, games, matching, quizes, and tests.

Greasers cant walk alone too much or theyll get jumped, or someone will come by and scream greaser. Dallas has returned tell the fugitives about a plan. It is while talking with dally, that johnny decides he and ponyboy should turn themselves into the authorities. What do you know about ponyboy, sodapop, and darry. Free flashcards to help memorize facts about vocabulary the outsiders chapters 46. When ponyboy doesnt understand, johnny tells about a time when dally took the blame for a petty crime committed by twobit. Home faq about log in subscribe now 30day free trial. The outsiders chapter 5 6 reading comprehension questions 1.

Chapters 12, chapters 34, chapters 56, chapters 78, chapters 910, chapters 1112, authors. When he gives up pretending, he realizes that johnny is gone, and has left a note in the dust on the floor that hes gone to get supplies ponyboy wanders outside to get a drink from the pump. Johnny sure did like that book, although he didnt know anything about the civil war and even less about plantations, and i had to explain a lot of it to him. Ponyboy and johnny are settling down to life in the church. What is ponyboys issue with johnnys suggestion that they disguise themselves. He pretends for a moment that he is back home, and it is a usual weekend morning. Ponyboy and johnny spend a few days hiding out in an abandoned church, until dally. Be sure you recall the details of what is going down by taking the quiz over chapter 5 of the outsiders by s. They cant turn themselves in because then johnny would definitely get. Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment. The outsiders chapter 5,6,7,8 literature quiz quizizz.

Chapter 6 of the outsiders primarily involves a dramatic fire in the church. Johnny was a good fighter and could play it cool, but he was sensitive and that isnt a good way to be when youre. Johnny suggests that he and ponyboy cut and dye their hair so they will not be recognized by their descriptions in the newspaper. Chapter 6 passages from the text make sure to copy it correctly and completely. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Johnny had gone for supplies and returned with food, cigarettes, soap, peroxide, a deck of playing cards. Susan eloise hinton was born on july 22, 1948 in tulsa, oklahoma. In her junior year at will rogers high school in tulsa at the age of 17 she wrote the outsiders, the book that sent the young adult book world on an entirely new path. This activity was created by a quia web subscriber. The outsiders chapters 5 6 descriptioninstructions. When you do something reluctantly, you dont really want to do it the outsiders questions and answers chapter 5 6. A strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something bad. The outsiders chapters 5 6 summary the outsiders by s. Johnny made his way into town to pick up some provisions. The boys entertain themselves by playing poker and reading aloud from gone with the wind.

About the outsiders the outsiders summary character list glossary themes quotes and analysis chapters 1 and 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapters 7 and 8 chapter 9 chapters 10 and 11 chapter 12 films based on s. Choose 5 words throughout chapters 56 that are confusing. Escape from a type of danger in a skillful way imploringly. For each quiz, questions 1 5 are matching and questions 6 10 are multiplechoice. The outsiders study guide contains a biography of author s. Choose one object or idea that represents each chapter in its entirety and draw a representation in. There download also contains an original pdf version of the quiz as well. Jun 09, 2014 a vocabulary list featuring the outsiders by s.

In the 1960s, tensions between two rival gangs separated along economic lines reach a violent breaking point. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Chapters 46 no teams 1 team 2 teams 3 teams 4 teams 5 teams 6 teams 7 teams 8 teams 9 teams 10 teams custom press f11 select menu option view. You can customize the printable with the options shown below, or you can just click the build printable button to create it now. His east side neighborhood is patrolled by bullying socials, rich kids from the west side of. The outsiders chapter 5 quiz 10 questions fun trivia quizzes. Ponyboy wakes up in the abandoned church, and at first thinks he has dreamed everything that has happened. If you read chapter 5, then you should ace this quiz. Ponyboy and johnny spend a few days hiding out in an abandoned church, until dally arrives to see how they are doing. Relaxing rain and thunder sounds, fall asleep faster, beat insomnia, sleep music, relaxation sounds duration.

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